Saturday, October 31, 2009
Late nights = bad idea & 'the whole sleep thing'
Posted by Emma at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gaby seems so.. old!
I've noticed the past couple of weeks, that Gaby is suddenly a child, as opposed to a toddler. She talks to me like a 'real' child now - I can understand everything she says, rather than trying to decipher the toddler babble that I've been so used to. She's also grown a LOT - she is starting to get so tall, it is amazing... I've no idea how tall she is, or how much she weighs, but we should be having her 3 year appointment with Plunket (Well Child providers) soon, so it'll be really interesting to find out!!!
This morning I noticed how much her imagination is developing - she was riding around on her little bike, pretending to be a policeman, and then next thing I knew, she had the bike upside down and was being a "bike fixer", because her 'motorbike' was broken. After her motorbike was fixed, she got her money from her bedroom, and went to the supermarket, because we needed milk and a chocolate treat. So freakin' cute. Of course the whole time she was in the confines of the lounge, but in her mind, she was out on the open road, in a workshop, at the supermarket...
I'm so so unbelievably proud of how my little girl is developing - and that she's developing into a wonderful, bright, funny, smart child.
Posted by Emma at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: child development, imagination
Monday, October 26, 2009
Never been more glad to be wrong!!!!!!
the ultrasound tech started out doing an abdominal u/s - and I was shocked when a gestational sac was evident! She then switched to internal u/s - and we were able to see our little bean! After zooming in really close and watching, she was able to see a heartbeat as well - which shocked me! I figured that even if things were okay - that it'd be too soon for a heartbeat, but nope - there it was, flickering away like a little butterfly (as she called it). Heartbeat was 95bpm, which she said was good....
I cried so much when she said there was a heartbeat.... such a relief... :)
Posted by Emma at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: heartbeat, pregnant, ultrasound
Hopefully today, we will get some answers
Posted by Emma at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, ultrasound
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Gaby!
Posted by Emma at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, miscarriage, motherhood
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I've started spotting
Posted by Emma at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, miscarriage, motherhood, pregnancy loss, spotting
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We have a partial birthday cake!
I forgot about the Pregnancy Calendar on JustMommies - I used it a lot when I was pregnant with Gaby, to check out the little tips, and developmental milestones for each day... My little tip for today (5w2d) is 'Eating dry crackers may help with morning sickness' - and then it says at 5w5d 'Baby's limb buds are noticeable now' - which makes me smile.. my little one might have 'noticeable' limb buds now!!!! Little arms & legs! Cute!
Posted by Emma at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, pregnancy loss, pregnant, symptoms
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reassurance is pain!
Posted by Emma at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: big sister, pregnant, symptoms
Saturday, October 17, 2009
... and then there is the anxiety
Posted by Emma at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, pregnancy loss, pregnant
Friday, October 16, 2009
My 'baby' girl is going to turn three in 9 days time, and right now, all I find myself doing is thinking back to those early days... finding out I was pregnant, the first u/s, the second u/s, her arrival... her being a newborn, being 1, 2, 3 months old. It has all gone so fast, and has been such an amazing, wonderful, overwhelming, eye-opening experience - I feel so blessed to have her in my life, and to actually be *someones* Mummy.. to be the one person that she knows she can rely on, without a doubt.
It really is bittersweet - I miss those days of her being a baby - but at the same time, it is such an intensely 'wow' feeling, to be able to watch her grow up, to hear her talking, to hear her singing, to hear her reading books to her toys (from memory).. to see her getting taller, to see her jumping, to see her running, to see her starting to try to skip... to see her interacting with other kids at preschool & kindy, to know that she is starting to understand various concepts - day & night, summer & winter, cause & effect... All these things you know are going to happen, but actually physically *seeing* them happen, first hand - nothing can prepare you for that!!!!
I'm always blown away when I look at her baby photos & compare them to her 'now' photos... It's hard to believe it is the same little person!
Posted by Emma at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: BFP, birthday, child development, HCG, morning sickness, motherhood, pregnant, symptoms
Thursday, October 15, 2009
No doubt about it - I'm up the duff!
Posted by Emma at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, BFP, pregnancy loss, pregnant
Monday, October 12, 2009
Might just be knocked up!
Posted by Emma at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Earthquakes... getting a little scary
Posted by Emma at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kia ora! Welcome to my blog
Relieved to say that Gaby is at preschool today - her hours got cut as of last week, so rather than going 3x a week, she has been 1x a week - and I'm just not used to ALL that time with - well, with her and her almost-3-year-old attitude!!! I find I am either laughing at her constantly, or trying my very hardest not to yell at her, it's like there isn't a midway point, any balance - I am coming to learn, it is the joy (& challenge) of being a parent to a happy, healthy child. I can't complain too much that she's developing as she should be, but it would be nice if just for a couple of weeks, she could go back to being around 6 months old. Cute as heck. Funny as anything. And quiet!
As much as Gaby can frustrate me, it doesn't stop me wanting to add to our brood. We are currently 3/5 of the way through our 3rd cycle, TTC our first baby together - we are both trying to be relaxed about it, but as the months go by, that starts getting a little harder. I am now 7DPO, and did my first (most likely, of many) HPT today - and of course it was a BFN. I EXPECTED a BFN, but part of my brain was saying "well, maybe it won't be!!!". I will test again in the morning with FMU, but even then I'll only be 8DPO, so probably still too early for a BFP, if I am pregnant. I purchased a 2 pack of 'Discover' tests - they detect levels at 10-15mIU, and the pack states that that is 'as early as 4 days before your period is due'. I could be good & save the test I've allotted for tomorrow, for 10DPO, but that'd mean waiting a whole other 3 days to test! We both know that it'll happen when it's meant to, but I can't help but hope reaaallllly reallllllllly hard, that this cycle is 'when its meant to'.
I'm going to give blood today, they have a donation day at Burwood Hospital, and since I am 2 minutes down the road, with nothing to do - I figured, why the heck not! I haven't given blood in years, but it is something that I really should start doing regularly... it's such an important thing to do, and can help so many people - I particularly like that if I donate blood, I could potentially help save a newborn baby, or a new Mama. It isn't as if it is a painful process, and it doesn't take too long to do
Posted by Emma at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: behaviour, BFN, child development, HPT, TTC