It has been 2010 for 7 hours, 49 minutes now - and so far, the year is off to a good start - by that I mean I got to sleep in, until 7.30! Wow... I've been trying to decide if 2009 was a good year, or a bad year for me, and I think that in general it was a good year. Though I had some things happen that were bad, there was also a tonne of good mixed in... I got to learn more about myself, I experienced love, I got pregnant & of course I got to watch Miss Gaby growing up, even more... & seeing her developing from a toddler, to a child, has been one of the highlights of my LIFE.
It's amazing, thinking that she was once as tiny as this baby is now, that she was once a helpless newborn, that she was once incapable of moving around, that she relied on me to feed her, to dress her, to change her nappies.... & now she dresses herself, feeds herself, goes to the toilet by herself, talks up a storm, is aware of the world around her, she can count to 10 (well she can count to 'eleventy')... she's an clever, healthy, cheerful, wise, insightful, just simply wonderful, young child!
2010 is going to be a crazy, exciting year for me - and for Gaby... There are now approximately 23-24 weeks until this little bundle of joy will be born - we are getting well down toward the 'last half' of the pregnancy, and it is exciting, yet scary - all at the same time!! Baby is starting to move a lot more now, which is reassuring - but I find that if he/she doesn't move for a few hours, it causes me to freak out that something is wrong, and that whole feeling sort of takes me over, until baby decides to humour me, and gives me a few obvious kicks. It will be good to get to the point of my pregnancy, where the movements are regular & more than obvious... I just try to remind myself that a few more weeks and it will be a bit less nervewracking, but that doesn't mean the next few weeks won't go slowly! I think I am starting to get a bit of a belly - well, my shape is changing anyway. I'm very overweight, so I probably won't LOOK obviously pregnant (to others) until closer to the third trimester - that kind of upsets me, but I guess I am used to it, after being pregnant with Gaby. I 'popped' at 26w0d last time, which was a lot later than most of the women in my DDC... but I think it *may* happen earlier this time.. sure hope so!
To everyone who reads this: I hope you & your family have a wonderful 2010, and that it is full of joy & wonder!
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