In 4 weeks time I will be considered full term.
In 6 weeks time, I will be welcoming Emersyn Lily-May in to the world!
This pregnancy has gone so fast, and I am amazed that I'm already in the 'final countdown' stages! Physically I'm getting a lot more uncomfortable, particularly my ribs - especially when sitting at the computer. I'm finding it a lot harder to get myself dressed in the morning, and sometimes wish I could ask Gaby to help me. Emotionally I think I'm doing good! I've had a few freak outs lately, but I've been working really really hard, on trying to remain calm and rational, when it does happen - and it seems to work.
I'm enjoying my last few weeks, with it just being Gaby & I... trying to do a couple of really special things each week, so that Gaby realises that she is still just as important to me as ever - if not more so. I am so anxious to find out what life will be like with two children, if it'll be easier than I expect - or harder... I'm guessing it's like the rest of parenting - a lot of awesome, mixed in with some not-so-awesome. I think that of anything, I am the most excited at seeing Gaby with Emersyn, for the very first time. Just thinking of that brings tears to my eyes. I just can't wait to see the exact second where Gaby turns from only child - to big sister.... Ahhh, here come the tears again!
My cousins girlfriend found out a couple of weeks ago that she is pregnant, and I am so over the moon for both of them! It wasn't planned, and it's been a bit of a rocky road for them, trying to decide what to do - but today S. told me officially, that I WILL be getting a 2nd cousin around Christmas time! My cousin is going to be an awesome Daddy - he's worried that he isn't ready, but he's the type of guy you just need to look at, to know that he has what it takes. And S - she is going to be a fabulous Mama! She's excellent with Gaby, and told me she has already fallen madly in love with the little one growing inside of her. It's going to be quite exciting, to welcome another baby into the world, so soon after Emersyn! I really like the fact that Emersyn is going to have a little 'cousin' (3rd cousin), so close in age to her. It'd be lovely if they could grow up, nice & close!
New beginnings... there is nothing better!
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