Last night I had some more spotting, and it was accompanied by bad backpain, I rang my midwife and she told me that she'd organise an u/s for me for today. So at 1pm we are booked in for an ultrasound, and I am crossing my fingers, toes & anything else crossable, that we have as good of an outcome, as we did last time. My spotting HAS stopped, and I'm feeling rather pregnant today, so I am hoping that those are all good signs - I guess that by around 1.15pm, I will know....
TMI ALERT: I am quite constipated, and noticed the spotting last night after I had tried to.. relieve... my poor intestines, so I'm wondering if the spotting was related to all that... 'effort'. As for the back pain, it WAS sore before the spotting etc occurred so hopefully it isn't actually related at all... it feels like sciatica today, so perhaps it's just the beginnings of my pregnancy back pain. From memory it started around this point with Gaby.
I am trying my hardest to think positive, and to not stress too much - and I think I'm somewhat accomplishing it, mostly because of what happened with my last bout of spotting - we had a great u/s & saw baby & the heartbeat... and this spotting is even less than last time....
I guess I'll be updating this later today, hopefully with 8w1d u/s pics!
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