I'm 9w0d today, therefore our baby has graduated from embryo, to fetus! It's probably silly that I'm excited about it, but I can't help myself - because it means we've passed another milestone!!!!! According to the 'the bump' website, baby is around the same size as an olive... I don't know how accurate that is, but it's cool to have something to picture in my mind, for comparison!
I am feeling a bit more positive about the pregnancy now, I guess because we've had two positive ultrasounds - I probably won't ever feel 100% convinced that all will be okay, but for the time being, I'm going with the flow, and being the best incubator that I can be! My symptoms seem to have settled down, I'm not really getting morning sickness anymore - I have a few bouts of nausea here and there, but I'm not vomitting each day - which is nice. My breasts are pretty much constantly sore though - which is providing a lot of reassurance for me, and at the same time, my fatigue is 10x worse than it was a week or two ago... I don't mind though - I can handle fatigue! Prefer it to morning sickness, any day!
Gaby & I head for Queenstown tomorrow, and I can't wait - but I still have all our packing to do today!! It's raining, so my plans for having loads of laundry on the line probably won't come to fruition - thank goodness for the invention that is the clothes drier!!!! I hate using it, but needs must........
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