Yesterday I got a phone call from the administrator at Gaby's preschool, and it turns out that a place has opened up in the Flintstones part of the preschool - which is the LAST area of preschool, before they start school - and they would love Gaby to take the place!!!!!!!!
It's bittersweet.. when she started out, she was a Muppet Baby... then she went to the Pooh Bears... then she moved on to the other end of the preschool & became a Bananas In Pyjama's kid.... and now.. *gulp* they want her to move in with the big kids... she's getting so big, and old and... she really isn't my baby anymore! Of course it's also very exciting, that the teachers feel she's ready to make the move, I didn't think she'd be moving there until she was closer to 4 - she's not even 3 1/2 yet!!!!!
Like I said to my parents - the next step after she's been a Flintstone, is SCHOOL!!!!!!!!
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