I had an appointment with the high risk ob clinic, on Thursday. I wasn't looking too forward to it, considering my last appointment there, was such a let down - and such a hassle, with the ob being a total schmuck.
My appointment was for 2.20pm & around 2.30pm I was taken in - and the ob I saw was a different ob from last time!!!!! She was lovely - very friendly, and spoke with me, rather than at me - she also spoke at my level, rather than muttering all these medical terms and acting like I wasn't even there. She asked how I'd been, told me it's great that I've had no further bleeding, and that Emersyn's movements are stronger.. she then did my b/p etc, and all was well. When it came time to listen to the heartbeat, we were listening for 5 minutes! She kept picking up the h/b, but it was 'background' noise & she took her time finding the h/b in a position where it was the loudest sound - she then did a trace & her h/b was around 150bpm. Absolutely perfect!
I expected I would be told I could leave after that, but then she started discussing my growth ultrasounds with me. Growth ultrasounds? I had no idea I was going to have growth ultrasounds - and told her so, she was very surprised the ob I saw last time hadn't thought it was important to do some growth u/s from 28w onward - didn't surprise me though. She said that the bleeding I had, although it was related to the BV, it could also be related to an issue with the placenta, that wouldn't start becoming obvious until I was closer to my EDD, and also with my epilepsy medication, there is a small risk of fetal abnormalities, so she also wanted to monitor for that reason. So from 28w onward, I will be having growth u/s every 4 weeks - at 28, 32 & 36 weeks. She said that if the 28w u/s shows everything looks great, then they will probably skip the 32 weeks u/s, and do one closer to 36 weeks. I don't mind either way though - I get to see Emersyn 2-3 more times before she is born!
So all in all, it was a great appointment :) I go back in 4 weeks for my next appt (and will probably have my u/s a couple of days prior)....
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