Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's a girl!!!!
Posted by Emma at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: sex of baby, ultrasound
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
"We're not angry, just disappointed"
I heard a young girl talking on the radio, about her parents finding out that she is dating a 22 year old (she's 16), when they asked what her parents said, she replied "we're not angry - we're disappointed".... and suddenly a montage of my teen years flashed before my eyes. Before she said the 'we're disappointed' part, I instinctively knew that she would say - because I heard those words so often during my teen years!!!
Not so much my later teen years, but definately between 12-15... I was a little cow. I was moody. I was angry. I was rebellious. I was immature. I continuously did things that I knew would annoy my parents, or upset them - and I am still to figure out why I felt the need to do those things!!! I can't remember many specifics now, just a lot of scenarios, of my parents & me sitting in the lounge, after I'd done something.. and hearing those words "we're not angry - we're disappointed"... if I was to write a book about my teen years, the title would probably BE 'we're not angry - we're disappointed'.
Ahhhh.... how right they were when they said "when you have children, you will understand where we are coming from".. As usual - Mum and Dad were right... Having children has taught me that, over & over - Mum & Dad really did know what they were talking about, all those years ago.. and when they said "we're not doing this to be mean, we are doing it for your own good" - they really did mean it. What is worse is when I find myself saying things to Gaby, that they said to me - and that used to make me roll my eyes, and pull faces when their back was turned...
I just hope Gaby & Emersyn/Lucas will be the exception.. that they'll be the teenagers who AREN'T dreadful, and AREN'T rebellious.. and who are simply perfect, who I never have to tell off..
Yes, I know "haha dream on"...
Posted by Emma at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
3 days to go!
Posted by Emma at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: sex of baby, ultrasound
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Almost 4 years ago..
Posted by Emma at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: cesarean birth, pregnant, ultrasound
Sunday, January 17, 2010
What the Old Wives Tales suggest!
11 days today, until my ultrasound - in which I will hopefully find out whether this baby is a boy or a girl... 11 days seems like a very long time to wait, so to satisfy a little of my curiosity, I thought I would look into various 'old wives tales', and see what they suggest I am having!
Carrying high or low - the myth says that if you are carrying low, you are having a boy - and if you're carrying high, you're having a girl...
My result: carrying high - it's a girl!
Fetal heartrate - the myth says that a heartbeat 145+ is a girl, and 144 and below is a boy
My result: averaging around 152bpm - it's a girl!
Cravings - the myth says that if you are craving sweet food, it's a boy - and if you're craving sour/savoury food, it's a boy
My result: craving savoury food - it's a boy!
Breast size - the myth says that if your right breast is larger, it's a boy - and if your left breast is larger, it's a girl
My result: right breast larger - it's a boy!
The ring test - the myth says that if you hold a ring (on a string) over your belly, and it swings in circles, it's a girl - and if it swings back & forwards, it's a boy
My result: circles - it's a girl!
Acne - the myth says that if you get acne while pregnant, it's a girl - if you don't notice an increase in acne, it's a boy
My result: increase in acne - it's a girl!
Mama or Dada - the myth says that if your first child's first word was Mama, it is a girl - and if the first word was Dada, it's a boy
My result: Mama - it's a girl!
Bread - the myth says that if you are craving the heel of the bread, it's a boy - and if you are craving the middle of the bread, it's a girl
My result: Heel - it's a boy!
Morning sickness - the myth says that if you get morning sickness, it's a girl - and if you don't get morning sickness, it's a boy
My result: Morning sickness - it's a girl!
Extra weight - the myth says that if you're carrying your extra weight out front, it's a boy, and if you're carrying it on your hips & buttocks, it's a girl
My result: Out front - it's a boy!
Hairy legs - the myth says that if the hair on your legs is growing faster than normal, it's a boy, if it is much the same, it's a girl
My result: Much the same - it's a girl!
Pillow direction - the myth says that if you sleep with your pillow to the south, it's a girl - and to the north, it's a boy
My result: The south - it's a girl!
Feet temperature - the myth says that if your feet are colder than normal, it's a boy - and if they are much the same, it's a girl
My result: Much the same - it's a girl!
Maternal Grandmother - the myth says that if the maternal grandmother doesn't have grey hair, it's a girl, but if she does have grey hair, it's a boy
My result: No grey's - it's a girl!
Fruit or meat - the myth says that if you are craving fruit, it's a girl - meat, it's a boy
My result: Fruit - it's a girl!
Number of boy answers: 4
Number of girl answers: 11
Old Wives Tales suggest that I'm having a....... GIRL!
To add to the Old Wives Tales favouring girl, the Chinese Gender Chart also suggests GIRL for me, and it was right with Gaby!
Now, if only there was more to OWT, than mere superstition... I know that they have to be taken with a grain of salt - and that 50% of the time they will be right... but it's always fun to test them out & see what the results are - and I'll certainly have fun comparing the results of the OWT, to the results of the ultrasound!!!
Posted by Emma at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Old wives tales, sex of baby, ultrasound
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Appointments galore!
Posted by Emma at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: heartbeat, pregnant and epilepsy, ultrasound
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Scary, scary morning...
Then I woke up this morning & realised I had obviously had a seizure during my sleep. If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't have cared, but being that I'm pregnant, I had no idea if it could have harmed the baby, so I went to see my GP, after talking to my m/w... The GP got out their (ancient!!) doppler, and tried to listen to the h/b for about 4 minutes, but the only one he could pick up was mine!!!! He told me to 'not worry' (yea right), but that I had to go up to the Womens' Hospital, so they could investigate further.
I had to drive to the hospital (which was hard when I was freaking out!), and my Dad met us there (me, Gab & my friend).. we found our way to the gyne ward, and had to wait about half an hour to be seen.. the nurse took me in, did my BP etc, and then told me to lie down so we could listen for the heartbeat. Again all I could hear was silence, or my heartbeat... It was the most excruciating wait, but FINALLY she picked up the fetal heartbeat.. I cannot explain how relieved I was... while we were trying to find it, I was going through things in my head, trying to figure out who would look after Gaby while I was in hospital delivering, and how I would tell my parents.. how I would tell Jason... how the heck I would explain it to Gaby...
The h/b was 145bpm, and my BP was fine - the nurse who was doing the doppler, said that baby was hiding really well, and because I'm overweight there was a bit more 'padding' to get through... Because of my seizure I feel as if I have been hit by a truck, and my
So now I have to wait to find out what to do about my epilepsy. A lot of anti-epileptic medications are unsafe during pregnancy - and I would prefer to not go on them, but at the same time - if a seizure can put the baby at risk - I don't exactly want to have to worry about that either......
Update: I spoke to my GP, who spoke to the neuro at the hospital, and they both believed it was in my best interests to go back on my medication. There is a risk to the baby, being on the medication - BUT there are also lots of risks associated with seizures during pregnancy (to the baby, to me)... so either way there is a risk, but I had to do what I felt would produce the least risk. I am on a minimal dose of my epilepsy medication (half of what I would normally be on - and then what I'm 'usually' on, is still a low dose anyway), and am also on a high dose folic acid (5mg, rather than 0.8mg). The doctor told me that the highest risk time, for effects, is 0-12 weeks, and now that I am passed that point, he thinks that I should be fine. To be on the safe side, he has referred me onto the high risk ob clinic, and they will provide extra monitoring... So there may even be another couple of ultrasounds in it for me. I won't complain about that!
Posted by Emma at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: heartbeat, medication, pregnant and epilepsy
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Going to need to become an encyclopedia!
Oh my - Gaby has started with 'the questions'... We went to the beach earlier this week, and Gaby asked me to explain:
- what the ocean is
- how the salt gets in the water
- why you can't see the salt in the water
- why there is sand at the beach
I could explain easily enough what the ocean is, but really had no idea about the other 3 questions - I am going to start needing to read encyclopedias, so I can keep up with all her questions. I'm sure that there will be plenty more to come.....
It is pretty cool that she is so inquisitive, and wants to know more about the world around her - it proves to me that she really is moving from toddler, to preschooler... and I guess it is another milestone that she has reached! Very exciting! I am wondering if I should start arming myself with "why is......", "what is......" type books - so that when she has one of her big questions, I can whip the book out & answer it properly for her.... and in a manner that she will understand. Sometimes it's a bit hard coming up with the proper terminology, for her to understand....
Not long and I'll probably be asking HER to answer questions, for ME - or I'll be learning things from her, when she gets home from school. Very scary thought!
Posted by Emma at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: milestones, parenting
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Started my cloth stash!
I've decided that with this bub, I am going to use cloth nappies... I used them for about 6 months with Gaby, but then she grew out of half of them, and I couldn't afford to buy new ones, so ended up slowly just getting back into the disposable theme of things. The decision is purely a financial one - I know that money is going to be damn tight when baby arrives - and if I can cut THAT particular cost out - it is going to save me a LOT of money. I figured I'd go through approx two packs of nappies a week, in the early days - which sure, could only be $12.00 - if I got the CHEEEEAP nappies, but that's $46.00 a month, which would be over $500 a year... and that is at the very minimum... If I went with the 'brand' nappies, I would be spending around $28.00 a week... which would be $112.00 a month, which could be as much as close to $1400.00 a year... It's really a no-brainer.
I purchased my first lot of nappies the other day, while looking on TradeMe (NZ's version of EBay) - from a company called 'pepeFergs', they are locally run, designed by the couple, and then they are made in China - which I would imagine is a lot cheaper than having them made here. I got a great deal - 10 OSFA, pocket nappies (& the 10 inserts), for $115.00 NZD ($84.50 USD), compared with other pack of 10 deals, which seemed to start at $225.00 NZD ($165.30 USD). At this point the nappies only come in 4 colours - dark blue, light blue, pink & white, but that doesn't really bother me.. for that price I don't mind not having the variety of colours, or variety of prints!!
I will probably try to purchase at least another 5, before the baby comes - the lovely ladies on the Cloth Diapering board, on JM suggested having approximately 16-20, depending on how often I want to be doing the laundry. I do remember from my time using cloth with Gaby, that there was nothing cooler than seeing a line full of cloth nappies, blowing in the breeze.. not sure why, but it always made me feel so 'Suzy homekeeper'!
My two biggest costs with Gaby, in the first year, were buying formula, and buying disposable nappies - hopefully with this baby I won't have EITHER of those costs to worry about....
Posted by Emma at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: cloth nappies, parenting
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Come hell or high water, I am going to breastfeed!
My only real regret, from the first few days of Gaby's life, is that I didn't make more of an effort to breastfeed... I'm not heartbroken over the fact, my life hasn't stopped because of it, BUT it is something that I want to make a BIG effort with, with Emersyn/Lucas.
I don't feel I got enough support at the hospital, with breastfeeding. The nurse helped me whenever I fed her, but of course there were other women & bub's that needed attention, so i didn't really get any serious one-on-one. My midwife scheduled an appointment for me, with the lactation consultant, and then for some reason, the appointment got cancelled, and that was that. I had another day & a bit in hospital, being assisted by the nursing staff, whenever I fed Gaby - but I was allowed to leave hospital, basically unable to breastfeed by myself. I was told it would 'come to me', if I perservered...
Well it didn't 'come to me'... I have huge breasts and short arms, and even in hospital I couldn't find a position that worked for me... I tried and tried and tried to feed Gaby when I got home from the hospital, but she couldn't latch, I couldn't position her properly - she got frustrated, I got frustrated. Luckily I had a breast pump, so I was able to express milk & bottle feed her. I kept trying her on the breast, but we never 'got it', and (not so) slowly but surely, my milk supply started dwindling... I purchased a new electronic pump, with hopes that that would be more effective, and help with my milk supply - but no, I think I had left it too late. I began supplementing with formula, and before I knew it, she was down to one bottle a day of breastmilk & the rest were formula.. and by 10 days old, she was fully formula fed. I had spoken to my midwife about it, and was going to need to wait 3 weeks for an appt with the lactation consultant - by which time it'd have been well and truly too late.
Don't get me wrong, Gaby THRIVED on formula, she never had any health issues, we never had a problem bonding, the formula never made her sick, she seemed like a normal, happy, healthy baby.... But it still makes me sad that I wasn't able to breastfeed - that as a woman I failed in one of the things that is supposed to come naturally, and one of the things our bodys are programmed to do, biologically. I blame myself, my midwife, the staff at the hospital & the lactation consultant who cancelled my appointment... mostly I think I blame myself though - because surely if I'd wanted it enough, I would have found a way...
So here I am now, 15w4d pregnant with my second bundle of joy, and I am already making plans to have a successful breastfeeding experience this time around. My midwife is well aware of my hopes, and I know that she is the sort of woman who will do what she can to help me. I have numbers for various breastfeeding preparation classes, that I can take before baby arrives, and know when & where there are 'open clinics' held by two lactation consultants, once bub arrives. I've started buying books - I'm not sure how much breastfeeding books will help me, but I'm hoping that if anything, they'll give me the motivation to stick with it...
Going by my previous experience though, I will be prepared for the 'other' eventuality, and have a breastpump at the ready, and a can of formula hidden away - just in case. Formula will be a last resort, but I know from my experience (parenting, in general) with Gaby, that even the best laid plains & intentions sometimes don't come to fruition, and that at the end of the day, the most important thing is that Mum & Baby are both happy & healthy...
I just hope our 'happy & healthy' includes breastfeeding!
Posted by Emma at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: breastfeeding, parenting