I've decided that with this bub, I am going to use cloth nappies... I used them for about 6 months with Gaby, but then she grew out of half of them, and I couldn't afford to buy new ones, so ended up slowly just getting back into the disposable theme of things. The decision is purely a financial one - I know that money is going to be damn tight when baby arrives - and if I can cut THAT particular cost out - it is going to save me a LOT of money. I figured I'd go through approx two packs of nappies a week, in the early days - which sure, could only be $12.00 - if I got the CHEEEEAP nappies, but that's $46.00 a month, which would be over $500 a year... and that is at the very minimum... If I went with the 'brand' nappies, I would be spending around $28.00 a week... which would be $112.00 a month, which could be as much as close to $1400.00 a year... It's really a no-brainer.
I purchased my first lot of nappies the other day, while looking on TradeMe (NZ's version of EBay) - from a company called 'pepeFergs', they are locally run, designed by the couple, and then they are made in China - which I would imagine is a lot cheaper than having them made here. I got a great deal - 10 OSFA, pocket nappies (& the 10 inserts), for $115.00 NZD ($84.50 USD), compared with other pack of 10 deals, which seemed to start at $225.00 NZD ($165.30 USD). At this point the nappies only come in 4 colours - dark blue, light blue, pink & white, but that doesn't really bother me.. for that price I don't mind not having the variety of colours, or variety of prints!!
I will probably try to purchase at least another 5, before the baby comes - the lovely ladies on the Cloth Diapering board, on JM suggested having approximately 16-20, depending on how often I want to be doing the laundry. I do remember from my time using cloth with Gaby, that there was nothing cooler than seeing a line full of cloth nappies, blowing in the breeze.. not sure why, but it always made me feel so 'Suzy homekeeper'!
My two biggest costs with Gaby, in the first year, were buying formula, and buying disposable nappies - hopefully with this baby I won't have EITHER of those costs to worry about....
polka dot shower curtain
2 years ago
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