11 days today, until my ultrasound - in which I will hopefully find out whether this baby is a boy or a girl... 11 days seems like a very long time to wait, so to satisfy a little of my curiosity, I thought I would look into various 'old wives tales', and see what they suggest I am having!
Carrying high or low - the myth says that if you are carrying low, you are having a boy - and if you're carrying high, you're having a girl...
My result: carrying high - it's a girl!
Fetal heartrate - the myth says that a heartbeat 145+ is a girl, and 144 and below is a boy
My result: averaging around 152bpm - it's a girl!
Cravings - the myth says that if you are craving sweet food, it's a boy - and if you're craving sour/savoury food, it's a boy
My result: craving savoury food - it's a boy!
Breast size - the myth says that if your right breast is larger, it's a boy - and if your left breast is larger, it's a girl
My result: right breast larger - it's a boy!
The ring test - the myth says that if you hold a ring (on a string) over your belly, and it swings in circles, it's a girl - and if it swings back & forwards, it's a boy
My result: circles - it's a girl!
Acne - the myth says that if you get acne while pregnant, it's a girl - if you don't notice an increase in acne, it's a boy
My result: increase in acne - it's a girl!
Mama or Dada - the myth says that if your first child's first word was Mama, it is a girl - and if the first word was Dada, it's a boy
My result: Mama - it's a girl!
Bread - the myth says that if you are craving the heel of the bread, it's a boy - and if you are craving the middle of the bread, it's a girl
My result: Heel - it's a boy!
Morning sickness - the myth says that if you get morning sickness, it's a girl - and if you don't get morning sickness, it's a boy
My result: Morning sickness - it's a girl!
Extra weight - the myth says that if you're carrying your extra weight out front, it's a boy, and if you're carrying it on your hips & buttocks, it's a girl
My result: Out front - it's a boy!
Hairy legs - the myth says that if the hair on your legs is growing faster than normal, it's a boy, if it is much the same, it's a girl
My result: Much the same - it's a girl!
Pillow direction - the myth says that if you sleep with your pillow to the south, it's a girl - and to the north, it's a boy
My result: The south - it's a girl!
Feet temperature - the myth says that if your feet are colder than normal, it's a boy - and if they are much the same, it's a girl
My result: Much the same - it's a girl!
Maternal Grandmother - the myth says that if the maternal grandmother doesn't have grey hair, it's a girl, but if she does have grey hair, it's a boy
My result: No grey's - it's a girl!
Fruit or meat - the myth says that if you are craving fruit, it's a girl - meat, it's a boy
My result: Fruit - it's a girl!
Number of boy answers: 4
Number of girl answers: 11
Old Wives Tales suggest that I'm having a....... GIRL!
To add to the Old Wives Tales favouring girl, the Chinese Gender Chart also suggests GIRL for me, and it was right with Gaby!
Now, if only there was more to OWT, than mere superstition... I know that they have to be taken with a grain of salt - and that 50% of the time they will be right... but it's always fun to test them out & see what the results are - and I'll certainly have fun comparing the results of the OWT, to the results of the ultrasound!!!
polka dot shower curtain
2 years ago
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