How exciting, only 3 days now until we find out the sex of this little babe!!!! I really have no idea what the result will be, I keep thinking girl, partly because this pregnancy is so similar to my pregnancy with Gaby - and because I've only ever imagined myself having girls! If it is a boy, no way will I be upset about it - if anything I might be more excited than if it's a girl - because having a boy would be 100% new to me!!! I've not really had a lot to do with boy babies - most of the kids in our family are girls, especially the ones that I spent a lot of time with when they were babies! It would be really lovely, to have a boy - to pass on the Oakden name. All of the Oakden grandchildren are girls, so it's really down to me - being single, & using the Oakden surname, to create a little man, to carry on the Oakden name!!! I know my Dad would love it if the babe was a boy... But I know that he loves his little Gaby girl too...
I've been so concentrated on the fact this u/s is the one where I find out the sex of the baby, that I tend to forget that it is also the u/s where they check for abnormalities, and now I am starting to get a little worried about it. Everything looked good at the 12w u/s, but they don't exactly do extensive examination then - so I guess I can't really go by that. I would like to PRESUME that all is well with my little one, but if being a member of JM has taught me anything, it is that you can't rely on that fact. Yes, most of the time the babies are fine.. but not always.
Gaby is excited about seeing the baby on the 'tv' again, and I've tried to explain to her what they do at this ultrasound - ie looking at all the body parts, and that they might be able to tell if it is a girl or a boy, and she's really looking forward to it! It's nice to have her excited! My Mum will be going in with me, and I know that she's looking forward to it too.. She went to Gaby's with me, and I know it meant a lot to her, so hopefully this one will be just as special! I would still love if my Dad came, and I hope he will.. would be nice to share it with him as well...
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