Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010!
Posted by Emma at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: child development, motherhood, pregnant
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009.. over & done!
- a box of wooden puzzles, from Nana Joyce
- a beach towel, in a bag, from Grandma
- a toy piano, from Aunty Jane
- a box of 3 ducks, filled with bubble bath, from me
- a Dora top, Dora pencil case set, Little Miss Chatterbox singlet & undies set, a Dora beach towel, and a Dora cushion, from Nan & Poppa
- a pair of shoes and some hair clips, from Jasmine & Alice
- a bottle of bubble mixture, from Livi & Will
- a bottle of bubble mixture, from Debbie & Mark
- a Dora hooded beach towel, from Rikki & Sarah
Posted by Emma at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Involving Gaby in my pregnancy...
Gaby has had me (basically) all to herself, since the moment she was born - and I know that with the new baby arriving, for the first time in her life, she is going to have to 'share' me... And I want to make sure that I can make the transition as easy as possible for her... I worry that the baby is going to arrive and she is going to feel second best, or as though the baby is more important than her. That of course would NOT be the truth - if anything it is going to make her even more important to me, and is going to make me love her all the more.....
I'm trying to involve her in my pregnancy, as much as I can... she's been to my ultrasounds with me, though the first two she didn't really 'understand' what was happening, because the baby didn't look like a baby, but this last one she got visibly excited when she saw the baby - looking very much like a baby! Every now and then I try to explain to her how big the baby is, and what new things it is doing - being that she's 3, I don't go into a lot of detail, but I feel as though if I tell her, it's another way for her to feel involved - like it's not some 'secret big person business'.... When we look at baby clothes & equipment, I always involve her - asking what she thinks the baby will need, and what baby clothes she thinks are the cutest - she gets very animated when we do this, ripping things off the stands, and "oooo-ing" and "ahhh-ing" at how cute various outfits are. When it came to deciding on the names, I asked her if she liked each of the names - and then let her choose one of the girl's middle names - so when she's older, she knows that she was part of naming her... I also refer to the baby as OUR baby - not Mummy's baby, not MY baby, but OUR baby...
But then I have to ask myself if there needs to be balance - is talking so much about the baby, making her feel as though the baby is the most important thing going on in our lives at the moment? She always seems happy to talk about the baby, and generally I take her lead as far as talking about the baby goes.. but perhaps I do need to create some special no-baby-talk-time, take Gaby out for special outtings, do special things with her, where there is NO talk about the baby, NO mention that I'm pregnant - where it is all about her...
I guess I need to just follow my instincts, and follow her lead as well... pay attention to how she is when we do talk about the baby.. if she seems grumpy, or not happy, perhaps that would be an indicator to tone things down a bit... but if she is excited and talking about the baby a lot - perhaps that'd be an indicator that I'm doing okay & she feels happy with the way things are......
This isn't really something I had thought about before I got pregnant... I presumed it'd be a natural progression, and I guess in some ways it IS... but I'm really worried about doing this the right (or wrong) way, and any lasting effect it could have on Gaby.....
Posted by Emma at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: big sister, parenting, ultrasound
Friday, December 18, 2009
the Christmas countdown is on!
There are only 6 days now (in NZ anyway), until Christmas Day! It seems to have snuck up on me this year, I guess because I've had so much else going on - and particularly in the past few months... it seems like it was only Gaby's birthday a few weeks ago - yet, we are now in the final week countdown!!!! Luckily for me, Gaby doesn't understand how close Christmas is - because I remember how much me & Terri (sister) annoyed Mum & Dad when we were kids, and Christmas was oh-so-close!!!
The plan for Christmas day (so far) is that we (Gaby & I) will stay at my parents house on Christmas Eve, to save having to pack up and head over part way through the morning. My Aunty & Uncle (Deb & Mark) will be there, along with Rikki & Sarah (cousin & his g/f) - and then around 2.30pm, my sister's flight will land - and she'll be on her way over! Gaby is going with her father at 11am, probably until around 3pm - which will make things easier for us, as we're waiting until my sister arrives, to open a bulk of the presents... so it won't be such torture for Gaby, if she isn't there!
What started out as a 'simple' Christmas Day menu, has ended up rather large - with delights including:
Ham (one of Debbie & Marks pigs, which got hammified - aptly he was named 'Ham'...)
Turkey (the only Christmas meat I eat..)
New potatoes (fresh from Dad's garden)
Baby carrots (fresh from Dad's garden)
Peas (fresh from the freezer.. lol)
Lettuce salad (ala Debbie)
Macaroni salad (my Mum is FAMOUS for her Mac Salad! BUT she's letting me make it!)
Trifle (a must have apparently, though I don't like it, and can't eat due to the alcohol!)
Cheesecake (ala Debbie)
Fruit Salad (ala Sarah & Rikki.. well, Sarah.. I'm sure Rikki will watch though)
Ambrosia (my baby! my favourite Christmas dessert treat!)
... I can just see all the bloated stomachs, come 3pm, already!
Posted by Emma at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Monday, December 14, 2009
Splishn' Splashn' Fun!
The past two days I have taken Gaby to QEII swimming pool - and we have had such a GREAT time!!!!! It's been awhile since I took her to the pool, and I have to say, it is a lot more enjoyable now! She is starting to get adventurous in the water, wanting to kick, wanting to play on the floaty toys, and wanting to be carried out to the deep end (which is hard, with me being so short! LOL!)... not to mention going around the river. Yesterday we spent two hours in the water, and today it was a little under two hours... she probably would have stayed all day if I had let her!
Now I am thinking, it is important for me to get her into some Swimsmart swimming classes. Ever since I can remember, I have been confident in the water, and been able to swim - and I want the same for Gaby. I don't want her to be 6 or 7 & to have NO idea what to do, if she falls into a swimming pool, etc etc - I don't care if she's not an A grade swimmer, but I am sure I'd feel more reassured (as a parent), knowing that she knows how to float, and tread water, etc etc. I will hopefully get her signed up for Term 1, 2010 - seeing as Term 4, 2009 is almost over.
Seeing as Kindy is over for the year now, I think I might try to take Gaby to the pool three times a week, on days where she WOULD have had Kindy, so that her days aren't as boring... it's something I know that we can do no matter what the weather - and it's only $3.00 for me & her to get in, so it's hardly going to break the bank! Hopefully if it's a regular thing, when she starts her swimming classes, it's not going to be such a huge transition for her....
Posted by Emma at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: swimming
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"No - I want a GIRL!" & names
I think it is pretty accurate of me to say, that Gaby wants a little sister! A couple of days ago, I was trawling through baby name websites, looking for the *perfect* boys name - because while girls names sing out to me, boys names don't... I was going through my list of boys names, asking Gaby which name she liked..
"do you like Jackson?"
"do you like Jacob?"
"do you like Kaidyn?"
"do you like Kayleb?"
"do you like Jameson?"
... it made me laugh - she had such conviction in her voice!
As it stands, I have now decided on THE boys name & THE girls name, for this little bundle of joy. If baby is a boy - his name will be Lucas Warrington-James. Warrington & James, are the names of both of my Grandfather's who have passed away, and I've always wanted to tribute them, by using their names as part of one of my childrens middle names. If the baby is a girl, her name will be Emersyn Georgia-May. Georgia is a name that Gaby likes, and I thought it'd be nice to let her feel part of naming the baby... and May is my Mum's middlename, and I wanted to name a daughter after her.
Now I just need to wait until the 20 week ultrasound, to find out whether baby is indeed an Emersyn, or a Lucas! Jason & I had decided to not find out the sex of the baby - but now that we're not together, I *want* to know what the sex of the baby is, so that I can get better prepared, as far as buying appropriate clothes etc etc. I was quite happy waiting until after baby was born to buy girl/boy clothes - but i know money will be even tighter when the baby arrives, so if I can start stocking up after the 20w u/s, it will make things a lot easier. If Jason doesn't want to know the sex of the baby still, that is fine - I won't tell him, I completely understand his reasons for wanting it to be a surprise...
Posted by Emma at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: names, sex of baby
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ultrasound #3!
Posted by Emma at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: fetal development, ultrasound
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Changes..... perhaps it's my norm...
Posted by Emma at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: bonding, depression
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Getting closer to that 'magic' 12w mark...
Today I am 11w4d pregnant - and I cannot tell you how much I am willing Wednesday to arrive. Why Wednesday? Because I will be 12w0d, and as far as miscarriage goes, that is the 'magic' mark, where chances of miscarrying get a lot slimmer. Naturally I know that it can still happen - and of course me being me, I won't feel completely out of the woods, until our little Albany or Kaidyn is safely in my arms, around June 15th-ish... BUT still, knowing that we are out of that high risk point, it will provide some reassurance for me!
I have been slack as far as arranging my 12w ultrasound goes - I keep forgetting to ring up, so I must remember to do that on Monday. I am hoping they can get us in on Friday, so that my Mum can go to the ultrasound - while some people like to keep ultrasounds a private, intimate experience, *I* enjoy sharing the love & joy, and having members of my family go with me. I think that subconsciously, part of me wants Mum to be there, incase it turns out that something has gone wrong... I'm such a Mummy's girl at the moment, and know that her being there if I find out bad news, will make the situation a little more... less awful... in some way... I don't have any reason to expect anything to be wrong though, so hopefully what I'm feeling is just normal pre-ultrasound anxiety!
I started feeling little movements while we were away, down south - and it's such a magical, wonderful feeling!!!! Obviously the movements aren't huge yet, and I only really notice them if I am sitting still - some days I don't feel any, and other days I feel 3-4 a day... it's nice for the extra reassurance it brings, and luckily I know not to worry on the days I DON'T feel anything - because I know it is still really early, in the scheme of things. I thought I was going crazy when I started feeling movement, but after texting some friends who've recently had baby #2, it seems that it isn't completely impossible to be feeling movement now.
Jason told his Mum about the baby, so now everyone who we wanted to know, knows about the pregnancy - and we have been so blessed, that everyone has had positive reactions to the news! Gaby is very cute when talking about the baby - she tells me all the things that he/she will need when he/she is born, and this morning was talking about how the baby will need to be wrapped in a blanket, otherwise it'll get cold & sick... I cry when I think about Gaby meeting the baby for the first time.. it's going to be such a sweet moment in my life.. to see my two babies, together.... to see that bond at the exact second it starts to form... (see, I'm crying now, just writing that!)
Posted by Emma at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: milestones, pregnant, ultrasound
Monday, November 30, 2009
She has her heart set on it.... please let me find one!
Posted by Emma at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Santa is scary? Is this genetics?
Posted by Emma at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gaby got the vacation fever! (literally)
Posted by Emma at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
We officially have a fetus!
Posted by Emma at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, fetal development, positivity, pregnant, symptoms
Monday, November 16, 2009
Countdown to vacation...
Thursday morning at 8.35am, Gaby and I fly out of Christchurch - headed for Queenstown! Terri paid for our flights, as a combined birthday/christmas present for me - luckily she got cheap flights, so it didn't cost her an arm and a leg! I can't wait to see how Gaby is on the aeroplane this time - last time we went on one, she was about 22 months old, so not really old enough to get excited about it. But now she's 3 - and loves aeroplanes, and I'm sure she'll have a blast!!!!
Right now I'm trying to catch up on all the washing, so we have enough changes of clothes to take away with us (and enough to come home to!), times like this I remember why after every holiday I say "right, I NEED to keep on top of laundry"... At least with Gaby being a bit older, I don't need to take quite so many changes of clothes for her, or as many odds & ends! I figure all I need to take for her, other than clothes, is some nappies for night time, and her wipes. I'll put some toys & books in her carry on luggage, for the plane - but I don't think she'll be too fussed about toys while we're away.. too much else going on!
Friday & Saturday night we are staying in Wanaka (around 1 hour from Queenstown) with my Grandma, which will be great - always nice to spend time with family! Gaby doesn't get to see her too often, so any time we get to spend with her, is special. We'll also get to see my cousin, Stacey, while we are in Wanaka - she is newly engaged, so I have some bling to inspect!!!!!!!
I hope Gaby behaves well - I know that people don't EXPECT her to be an angel, but I always feel somewhat guilty when we go to someones house, and she acts up. I'm sure that it bothers *me* more than it bothers anyone else, and I'm thinking it's a normal part of being a parent.
Posted by Emma at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Got the reassurance I needed!
Posted by Emma at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: midwife, ultrasound
More spotting... another ultrasound scheduled
Last night I had some more spotting, and it was accompanied by bad backpain, I rang my midwife and she told me that she'd organise an u/s for me for today. So at 1pm we are booked in for an ultrasound, and I am crossing my fingers, toes & anything else crossable, that we have as good of an outcome, as we did last time. My spotting HAS stopped, and I'm feeling rather pregnant today, so I am hoping that those are all good signs - I guess that by around 1.15pm, I will know....
TMI ALERT: I am quite constipated, and noticed the spotting last night after I had tried to.. relieve... my poor intestines, so I'm wondering if the spotting was related to all that... 'effort'. As for the back pain, it WAS sore before the spotting etc occurred so hopefully it isn't actually related at all... it feels like sciatica today, so perhaps it's just the beginnings of my pregnancy back pain. From memory it started around this point with Gaby.
I am trying my hardest to think positive, and to not stress too much - and I think I'm somewhat accomplishing it, mostly because of what happened with my last bout of spotting - we had a great u/s & saw baby & the heartbeat... and this spotting is even less than last time....
I guess I'll be updating this later today, hopefully with 8w1d u/s pics!
Posted by Emma at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, spotting, symptoms, ultrasound
Sunday, November 8, 2009
really excited about Christmas!
I've always liked Christmas - but this year, I have a feeling the whole experience is going to be extra special.. because of Gaby! This year Gaby KNOWS who Santa is, and what he's 'all about' (ie presents!) - and everyday she tells me "it's almost Christmas", and talks about what she is going to ask Santa for, and that she needs to be a good girl for Santa to come...
Santa is usually in the malls around the 9th December, and I cannot WAIT to take her to sit on Santa's knee!! Last year I took her, but she SCREAMED when it came time to sit on his knee, so it was a bit of a fizzer - but I think this year she will be more than happy to go and sit on Santa's knee & tell him she wants "lots of Dora stuff"! We are also going to take her to the big Santa parade this year as well - and I can't wait! It's always on the first Sunday of December, and Sunday is Stu's day to have her, so I was kind of upset that I couldn't take her... So I decided to just be straight up & ask if he minded if I took her this year - I did tell him if he wanted to - that seeing Sunday is 'his' day, that he could just take her... but luckily for me, he thought it would be best if I took her (ie. it'd be too much responsibility for him to keep an eye on her for that whole time).
We are going to get her a bike for Christmas, and I can't wait to see her face when we give it to her - it's going to be priceless (I hope!). I found the bike I wanted to get her, last week - and as soon as Dec 1st rolls around (and we can use our Christmas Club card), I will be going out to buy it, before anyone else takes it! Of course it's a Dora one, and I noticed they have Dora helmets as well - so she should get her wish of "lots of Dora stuff"... It was really freaky when we were at K-Mart last week & she hopped on the 2 wheeler & rode off... I expected her to need some help to get going, but nope - it seemed to come naturally to her! That said, I am thinking that she may have a bike at her father's house, which would make sense as to why she was so confident on it!
By the time Christmas rolls around, I will be in the 2nd trimester, and hope to be feeling a bit more alive, and like my old self. I really don't want to be puking all Christmas day - or falling asleep by lunchtime! We should get our 12w u/s in the first half of December - and I just hope that we get a good result - I keep getting worried that I've had a missed miscarriage, though I know that I have no reason to think that. I still have my symptoms, and surely if I had had a missed m/c, my symptoms would have gone away. Either way, by Christmas we'll know what is going on with our bubs, and hopefully it will be a joyful day, knowing that my big girl is happy & healthy - and being spoilt rotten, and that my little bubba is growing safely inside my belly!
Posted by Emma at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, Christmas, motherhood, pregnant, symptoms
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Night-time dryness training.....
I would love for Gaby to be out of nappies completely, by the time this bub arrives... at the moment she is only in them at night, so it isn't too bad - but at the moment her morning nappy removal strongly disagrees with my morning sickness, and always sets me running for the bathroom!
I've noticed Gaby wakes up around 1.30am, so I asked her today if it is because she needs to do wees or poos, and she said it is... I'm not sure if it REALLY is or not, but after her saying that, I went & bought her some Pull Up's, and told her that if she wakes up in the middle of the night to do wees or poos, that she can go to the toilet & do it, that she doesn't NEED to do it in her nappy. She seemed to like the idea when we were talking about it - I made it clear that it is FINE if she doesn't wake up to go, and goes in her nappy (well, her Pull Up!), I also told her that if she wants me to take her to the toilet, that is fine as well - and that she can wake me up whenever she wants to.
I have no idea if this is going to work or not - she hasn't REALLY shown signs of being ready for night training - ie she is still waking up with wet, dirty nappies - but i thought it was worth a shot, if the reason she is going in her nappy, is because she thinks she HAS to at night time. It's all she's known since she was born, so I think it makes sense!
Yesterday I reached the 7w0d mark in my pregnancy - it always makes me feel good to know that another week has passed - especially in the first trimester... Right now I am concentrating on week-by-week, but the ultimate 'focus point' right now, is definately making the 12w mark, and having our 12w u/s & seeing a living, moving fetus.... My breasts have gotten really sore the last two days, so I am hoping that is a good sign that things are still going well in there!
Gosh, if I'm 7w now, and will be scheduled for a c/s around 38w, that means there is only around 31w of this pregnancy to go!!!!!!! Now, THAT sounds good!
~stick little bean, stick~
Posted by Emma at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: milestones, night training, pregnant, symptoms
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I pulled 'the Santa card'!!!
Posted by Emma at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Late nights = bad idea & 'the whole sleep thing'
Posted by Emma at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gaby seems so.. old!
I've noticed the past couple of weeks, that Gaby is suddenly a child, as opposed to a toddler. She talks to me like a 'real' child now - I can understand everything she says, rather than trying to decipher the toddler babble that I've been so used to. She's also grown a LOT - she is starting to get so tall, it is amazing... I've no idea how tall she is, or how much she weighs, but we should be having her 3 year appointment with Plunket (Well Child providers) soon, so it'll be really interesting to find out!!!
This morning I noticed how much her imagination is developing - she was riding around on her little bike, pretending to be a policeman, and then next thing I knew, she had the bike upside down and was being a "bike fixer", because her 'motorbike' was broken. After her motorbike was fixed, she got her money from her bedroom, and went to the supermarket, because we needed milk and a chocolate treat. So freakin' cute. Of course the whole time she was in the confines of the lounge, but in her mind, she was out on the open road, in a workshop, at the supermarket...
I'm so so unbelievably proud of how my little girl is developing - and that she's developing into a wonderful, bright, funny, smart child.
Posted by Emma at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: child development, imagination
Monday, October 26, 2009
Never been more glad to be wrong!!!!!!
the ultrasound tech started out doing an abdominal u/s - and I was shocked when a gestational sac was evident! She then switched to internal u/s - and we were able to see our little bean! After zooming in really close and watching, she was able to see a heartbeat as well - which shocked me! I figured that even if things were okay - that it'd be too soon for a heartbeat, but nope - there it was, flickering away like a little butterfly (as she called it). Heartbeat was 95bpm, which she said was good....
I cried so much when she said there was a heartbeat.... such a relief... :)
Posted by Emma at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: heartbeat, pregnant, ultrasound
Hopefully today, we will get some answers
Posted by Emma at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, ultrasound
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Gaby!
Posted by Emma at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, miscarriage, motherhood
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I've started spotting
Posted by Emma at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, miscarriage, motherhood, pregnancy loss, spotting
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We have a partial birthday cake!
I forgot about the Pregnancy Calendar on JustMommies - I used it a lot when I was pregnant with Gaby, to check out the little tips, and developmental milestones for each day... My little tip for today (5w2d) is 'Eating dry crackers may help with morning sickness' - and then it says at 5w5d 'Baby's limb buds are noticeable now' - which makes me smile.. my little one might have 'noticeable' limb buds now!!!! Little arms & legs! Cute!
Posted by Emma at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, pregnancy loss, pregnant, symptoms
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reassurance is pain!
Posted by Emma at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: big sister, pregnant, symptoms
Saturday, October 17, 2009
... and then there is the anxiety
Posted by Emma at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, pregnancy loss, pregnant
Friday, October 16, 2009
My 'baby' girl is going to turn three in 9 days time, and right now, all I find myself doing is thinking back to those early days... finding out I was pregnant, the first u/s, the second u/s, her arrival... her being a newborn, being 1, 2, 3 months old. It has all gone so fast, and has been such an amazing, wonderful, overwhelming, eye-opening experience - I feel so blessed to have her in my life, and to actually be *someones* Mummy.. to be the one person that she knows she can rely on, without a doubt.
It really is bittersweet - I miss those days of her being a baby - but at the same time, it is such an intensely 'wow' feeling, to be able to watch her grow up, to hear her talking, to hear her singing, to hear her reading books to her toys (from memory).. to see her getting taller, to see her jumping, to see her running, to see her starting to try to skip... to see her interacting with other kids at preschool & kindy, to know that she is starting to understand various concepts - day & night, summer & winter, cause & effect... All these things you know are going to happen, but actually physically *seeing* them happen, first hand - nothing can prepare you for that!!!!
I'm always blown away when I look at her baby photos & compare them to her 'now' photos... It's hard to believe it is the same little person!
Posted by Emma at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: BFP, birthday, child development, HCG, morning sickness, motherhood, pregnant, symptoms
Thursday, October 15, 2009
No doubt about it - I'm up the duff!
Posted by Emma at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: anxiety, BFP, pregnancy loss, pregnant